Bolster Boost
Bolster stands for sustainable value creation with a long-term view. Bolster wishes to inspire and encourage people and businesses on their journey towards a sustainable future and therefore we started Bolster Boost. Bolster Boost represents taking initiative, giving someone a helping hand and making progress on sustainability, no matter how small the improvement is. Via Bolster Boost we communicate about initiatives of our companies and ourselves that contribute to the world of tomorrow, because we believe that sharing knowledge contributes to sustainable value creation.
One of the activities of Bolster Boost is the yearly selection of an ESG topic that could be relevant for our companies. Recent examples include a business case for solar panels and sharing best practices to identify and mitigate risks in the field of privacy and cybersecurity.
Furthermore, as a partner of the Bart de Graaff Foundation since 2016, Bolster each year supports a ‘Bikkel’, a young adult with a physical disability, to set up his or her own company.
Bolster Boost is part of Bolster Investment Partners’ ESG policy. Click here for more information about responsible investing at Bolster.