Bolster Boost

Bolster stands for sustainable value creation with a long-term view. Bolster wishes to inspire and encourage people and businesses on their journey towards a sustainable future and therefore we started Bolster Boost. Bolster Boost represents taking initiative, giving someone a helping hand and making progress on sustainability, no matter how small the improvement is. Via Bolster Boost we communicate about initiatives of our companies and ourselves that contribute to the world of tomorrow, because we believe that sharing knowledge contributes to sustainable value creation.

One of the activities of Bolster Boost is the yearly selection of an ESG topic that could be relevant for our companies. Recent examples include a business case for solar panels and sharing best practices to identify and mitigate risks in the field of privacy and cybersecurity.

Furthermore, as a partner of the Bart de Graaff Foundation since 2016, Bolster each year supports a ‘Bikkel’, a young adult with a physical disability, to set up his or her own company.

Bolster Boost is part of Bolster Investment Partners’ ESG policy. Click here for more information about responsible investing at Bolster.

How to communicate about ESG?

On January 21, 2025, we organized a webinar for our portfolio companies in response to various questions about ESG communication. During the webinar, we covered topics such as the importance of ESG communication, where to start and the steps companies can take.

Our key message? Do what aligns with your business, communicate about it, and do so in the right way.

Our former portfolio company, Market Food Group, shared an inspiring story about their sustainability journey. What started with some resistance evolved into meaningful progress, positively impacting both employees and customers. Their sustainability report, which outlines the steps MFG has taken and the benefits they have gained, can be accessed here: Sustainability Report 2024.

Together with our portfolio companies, we remain committed to ESG and strive for transparent and honest communication. ESG is not just a responsibility; it is also an opportunity for growth and connection.

Partnership Regreener

At Bolster, we believe in the importance of sustainable business practices, and we strive to make conscious choices in our investments and partnerships. This is why we have partnered with Regreener to offset our remaining CO2 emissions.

Regreener is committed to certified climate projects, such as forest restoration in Zambia and regenerative reforestation in Brazil. These projects strengthen ecosystems, support local communities, offset CO2 emissions, and increase biodiversity.
Our investment is specifically focused on the restoration and preservation of the Katingan peatland area in Indonesia, a project that contributes to biodiversity and the conservation of critical natural habitats.

With Regreener, we have found a trusted partner that creates impact through certified projects worldwide.

Annual ESG Portfolio Report VP Capital: Building a Sustainable Future Together

Our investor VP Capital publishes an annual progress and portfolio report in which the ESG performance of its investments, including Bolster and our portfolio companies, is assessed by ESG specialist Holtara.

For us, responsible investing is not about checking boxes; we believe in investing in long-term relationships and building sustainable value creation. This report reflects our joint efforts and is therefore much more than a formal document.

We are proud to share that this year we achieved a score of 8 out of 10. The highlights from the report are:

  • As an organization, we have made positive and significant progress in monitoring and reporting on ESG factors for ourselves and our portfolio companies.
  • We have joined the UNPRI and received a B rating in our first year.
  • The score of our first fund has increased from 7.1 to 8.2, and the score of our second fund has risen from 7.3 to 8.5.
  • Together, we continue to work on sustainable initiatives that positively impact our world.

Read the full report here.

Kwabo has received the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) certificate

Kwabo has received the BSCI certificate for the production of floor covering materials. The BSCI certificate is issued to companies committed to corporate social responsibility and improving working conditions in the global supply chain. Sustainable production and efficient recycling of raw materials is one of Kwabo’s priorities. The entire production process, from raw material to finished product, takes place at in-house production facilities. Kwabo produces floor covering material from exclusively high-quality residues from the clothing industry in an optimized fine-dust-free production process that generates little or no waste. Fine dust is harmful to one’s health and Kwabo is one of the few floor covering material producers that filters it out of the product.

Movares is way ahead on sustainability

Bolster and Movares have explored how Movares interprets sustainability. Bolster aims to be a reliable partner that proactively helps its participations to realise sustainable growth. Wouter Spaargaren, financial controller: “Companies that set high standards for sustainability are characterised by a lower risk profile and better long-term financial results, combined with a positive impact on society. We notice that Movares is intrinsically motivated on sustainability and has embedded it firmly in its business operations.” For example, Movares was the first company in the Netherlands to receive the Zero Waste certificate.

OGD ICT services most popular ICT employer in 2023

OGD ICT services is awarded best ICT employer in the Computable Employer Survey 2023. All participating companies in the employer survey were assessed according to sixteen criteria. The survey also gauged which different ICT areas the relevant parties are involved in and in which specific branches they are active. This included a calculation of what percentage of the staff focuses on specific branches and how this relates to the market. The sixteen sub-areas of the study have shown that OGD shows the greatest social commitment and that OGD offers the best training opportunities, company culture and working atmosphere. Colleagues and collegiality are praised by OGD’s employees.

Esschert Design has become a member of IKBINDRbusiness

Esschert Design has become a member of IKBINDRbusiness, a membership of IKBINDR by Twents Fonds voor Vakmanschap with which they contribute together to a positive learning culture and training of people up to and including MBO4 level. By investing in Level Long Development, Esschert Design contributes to addressing the shortages on the labor market in Twente and employees can continue to train in their field.

Bolster commits to the Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI)

As part of our ongoing efforts to promote sustainable investing, Bolster Investment Partners has signed the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) on August 25th, 2022.

The UN PRI is an international global network of asset managers, owners and service providers working together to put responsible investment into practice. The principles, which are voluntary, aim to provide a framework for integrating environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations into investment decision-making and ownership practices.

Kwabo has received the Global Recycled Standard Certificate

Kwabo has received the GRS Certificate for its production of floor covering materials. The GRS certificate is issued to companies that ensure environmentally friendly and circular production as well as good and responsible working conditions. Sustainable production is one of the priorities for Kwabo. The entire production process, from raw material to finished product, takes place in Kwabo’s own factory. Creating no to little waste and fine dust-free production is one of Kwabo’s strength. Fine dust is harmful to one’s health and Kwabo is one of the few producers of floor covering materials that filters it out of the product. Kwabo’s latest product ‘Top Coat’ – a self-adhesive covering fleece – even uses 100% recycled material.

Esschert Design is Business Supporter of the World Wildlife Fund

Forests are extremely important, yet we are losing them at an alarming rate. Forests provide food, water supply and are an important partner in the fight against climate change. For Esschert, nature is the greatest source of inspiration for all of their products. Esschert has recently become proud Business Supporters of the World Wildlife Fund and with their support, WWF gives forest back to the earth.

Oceanwide participates again in the Cleanup for Sarah

Oceanwide participated in the annual Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO) Cleanup for Sarah this year for the fourth time. The Cleanup for Sarah is a commemorative event honoring AECO’s environmental officer Sarah Auffret.

Bakkerij ‘t Stoepje (Market Food Group) is sponsor of the National School Breakfast

Bakery ‘t Stoepje has committed itself to the National School Breakfast for the next three years. ‘t Stoepje is convinced that healthy food is incredibly important and that a healthy lifestyle starts with breakfast. Research has shown that when children learn at an early age what healthy food is, they consume more healthy food later in life. Bakery ‘t Stoepje wishes to contribute to the National School Breakfast to raise awareness of the importance of healthy breakfasts. A good start for every child!

Bolster supports its employees in achieving a healthier lifestyle

By organizing the Bolster Bootcamp, the team is encouraged to exercise together every week. In addition to an improved fitness, it also provides even more group feeling!

Esschert Design is awarded the Werkpakt certification

The municipality of Enschede has again awarded the Werkpakt certification to Esschert Design.

The municipality of Enschede encourages social entrepreneurship and on developing sustainable solutions for (long-term) job seekers. As such, the municipality awards certifications to employers that recognize the talents of job seekers, offer them prospects in terms of employment, and translate these policies in successful and socially responsible entrepreneurship.

Energy-efficient Bolster office

Since February, Bolster has been housed in a sustainably redeveloped office building. The building is equipped with triple glazing, climate ceilings and heat and cold storage.

The interior was also developed, manufactured and installed in collaboration with Finitouch, our partner for 100% energy-neutral office furnishing.

Market Food Group supports its employees in achieving a healthier lifestyle

Market Food Group has started offering a corporate fitness plan to its employees by working together with numerous gyms in Bunschoten-Spakenburg. Moreover, Market Food Group aims to encourage cycling to work by offering its employees a lease contract for bicycles. Commuting to work by bike is not only great for employees’ health, but also for the environment!

Dinnissen was nominated for top 10 best technical student mentoring companies

SBB (The Dutch Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training and the Labour market) has nominated Dinnissen Process Technology as one of the top 10 best technical student mentoring companies in The Netherlands in 2022. This prize has been facilitated by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science. The winner of the Best Technical Student Mentoring award will be announced on May 16th, 2022.


Bolster becomes an official CO2 compensation partner of Trees For All

Bolster becomes an official CO2 partner of the Trees For All Foundation and has compensated its CO2 footprint since the privatization at the end of 2017. As a CO2 partner, Bolster contributes to the certified reforest projects of Trees For All, such as a reforestation project with local farmers in the Bolivian Amazon. For more information see

Strengthening the Bolster ESG policy

In 2020, Bolster engaged ESG advisor MJ Hudson to jointly review the ESG policy, perform a baseline measurement and define objectives on the way to a sustainable future. Would you like to know more about our ESG policy? Check out

Esschert Design introduces sustainable charcoal

The charcoal that Esschert Design introduces has come a long but “green” way. In Europe, there is an increasing demand for FSC®-certified charcoal from Namibia, because it is one of the most ecologically produced types of charcoal in the world. Esschert Design has had an official FSC® certificate since 2006 for now some 400 products made of wood and paper for which Esschert is re-tested every year. You can click on the following link for more information.

Quint and Careflex win the Best Workplace Award 2021!

Quint (fourth consecutive year) and Careflex Zorg Groep (second consecutive year) have received the Best Workplace Award again! The employees score highest on mutual solidarity, on the sense of pride in the team and on fair treatment of people regardless of personal characteristics. For more information, visit Great Place To Work, Careflex Zorg Groep and Eraneos (former Quint).

Bikkel Teun van den Brom – de Champagne Baron

As a partner of the Bart de Graaff Foundation, Bolster supports a ‘Bikkel’, a young adult with a physical disability, to start his own business. This year, Bolster supports Teun in setting up his company ‘the Champagne Baron’. The Champagne Baron imports exclusive organic and vegetarian wines, made by small artisan farmers from the Champagne region. For more information, visit and order a bottle!

Careflex Zorg Groep started the development of Zorgcampus Breda in 2020

Careflex Zorg Groep started the development of Zorgcampus Breda in 2020. A location for the development of care initiatives in Breda with various flexible (meeting) rooms, nice workplaces and a brasserie as a warm-hearted centre. All this is run by a group of enthusiastic participants, with distance to the labour market, who gain work experience under supervision. For more information see link.

Bolster reduces own printing by 70%

Bolster discouraged print use from its employees. Insights about the print usage per employee was distributed and the opportunity was created to buy a tablet at a discount. Which paid off, since the print usage per employee was reduced by 70% in the last three years!

Market Food Group obtains the IFS 7 higher level certificate!

From 12 to 14 July an IFS audit took place at Market Food Group. By obtaining the IFS 7 higher level certificate, Market Food Group shows that they continuously improve food safety and quality, and that this is also recognized by this standard. For more information visit Market Food Group en IFS.

Bolster redevelops its training program

Bolster encourages its team members to continue to develop their professional and social skills in the multifaceted world of investing. In 2021, Bolster recalibrated and expanded the training offer and the Bolster team members started a specially designed tailor-made training program.

Bolster switches to a fully electric lease car fleet

Bolster strives to reduce its CO2 footprint. To achieve a reduction in CO2 emission, Bolster started switching to a fully electric lease car fleet. Since the beginning of 2021, the lease car fleet has been 100% electric.

Bolster supports diversity program ‘Level 20’

Bolster recognizes that female investment professionals are underrepresented in leadership positions within private equity. That is why Bolster joins Level 20 as a mentor, a program to support the advancement of primarily female talent to the top of the sector.

Green energy with a certificate from Dutch wind

Savills, the building manager of our office building SOM, has confirmed that our electricity will be provided with a green certificate ‘Dutch wind’ in 2021. The certificate provides a guarantee of origin on the electricity used by Bolster.

Quint, Careflex Zorg Groep and Ormit win Best Workplace Awards 2020 at the Dutch Great Place to Work award show!

Quint, Careflex Zorg Groep and Ormit win the Best Workplace Award 2020 at the Dutch Great Place to Work award show! Quint won the award for the third consecutive year and Careflex won the award in the first year joining the program. A great achievement by the companies! For more information, visit Great Place To Work, Careflex Zorg Groep, Quint and Ormit.

Bikkel Joyca Kuijpers – Planet Webdesign

As a partner of the Bart de Graaff Foundation, Bolster supports a ‘Bikkel’, a young adult with a physical disability, to start her own business. Bolster has supported Joyca in setting up her own company Planet Webdesign. Planet Webdesign advises, designs, optimizes and maintains WordPress websites.

Bikkel Snezana Nedeski – Moving Castle

As a partner of the Bart de Graaff Foundation, Bolster supports a ‘Bikkel’, a young adult with a physical disability, to start her own business. Bolster helped Snezana draft a business plan for Moving Castle, a transformation agency specialized in digital transformation and social innovation.


Bikkel Amy Hehalatu – West Dogs

As a partner of the Bart de Graaff Foundation, Bolster supports a ‘Bikkel’, a young adult with a physical disability, to start her own business. Consequently, Bolster has helped Amy with her dog walking service West Dogs in Amsterdam. Amy now has several buses on the road.